- He spent so many unforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them. 他与他们一起度过那么多难忘的日子, 他舍不得离开他们。
- But it also indicates manufacturers are loath to part with talent, along with capacity, they may need when the Chinese economy is on more stable footing.Nissan Motor Co. 这对夫妇住在阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔市,最近楼市低迷,所以他们还不打算卖房子,而在朗达找到稳定的工作之前,他们也供不起两套房子。
- But it also indicates manufacturers are loath to part with talent, along with capacity, they may need when the Chinese economy is on more stable footing. 要想在世界黑暗的经济乌云中找到一线亮光,需要百折不挠的乐观精神才行。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold morning. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- He seemed somewhat loath to depart. 他似乎不愿离去。
- He is loath to get out of bed on cold mornings. 在寒冷的早晨他讨厌起床。
- The little girl was loath to leave her mother. 那小女孩不愿离开她的母亲。
- I'm afraid I have to part company with you there. 看来在这一点上我不敢苟同。
- Miss Sun was also loathe to say goodbye and couldn't bear to part from Miss Fan. 孙小姐也依依惜别,舍不下她。
- I am loath to go on such short notice. 我不愿这么急急忙忙就走
- He was loath to admit his mistake. 他不愿承认自己的错误。
- Despite his poverty, he refuse to part with the family jewel. 他尽管贫穷,却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。
- I was very loath to dispose of them for a trifle. 我极不愿意得到一点点钱,就把它们让给了别人。
- Despite his poverty, he refused to part with the family jewels. 他尽管贫穷,却不肯变卖家中的珠宝。
- She seemed somewhat loath to depart. 她似乎不愿意离开。
- He seemed somewhat loath to depart . 他似有不愿离去之意.
- He was loath to surrender his sweetheart to his wife; yet how refuse so trifling a present as a heifer? 他实在不想将情人交给自己的老婆; 但是他又怎好拒绝象一头母牛这样的区区小意思呢?
- They clung together when the time came to part . 分别的时候到了,他们紧抱着不肯分开。
- The teacher tried to part the two fighting boys. 教师设法把两个正打架男孩分开。